
photoshoot plan

Statement of intent: I am going to take a mixture of urban and rural landscapes, with the key feature of destruction, whether that be already within the image, or manually destructed using photoshop or cutting and sticking techniques.

photoshoot 1: Plemont bay

I am going to take photos of natural beauty, focusing on the rock formations, waterfalls, patterns in the sand etc. I will then use inspiration from Charlotta’s work to layer the images and show the natural beauties that we are all collectively destroying. As well as this I will choose one or two of my best landscape photos to create the crumpled paper effect done by Ingrid Weyland.

photoshoot 2: Bouley bay

I am going to try and find access into the abandoned hotel called ‘waters edge hotel’ down at Bouley Bay. I have chosen this spot because this place has been left abandoned and alone for around 5-6 years. Therefore you can see nature trying to fight back to us humans, leaving the hotel decaying and overtime becoming dilapidated and broken.

photoshoot 3: walk

I am going to walk around St Clements and take pictures that show destruction, I will walk along the coast, all the way along to La Collete in the hope that I manage to find a building sight or destryoed urbanisation.

Image selection process

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Firstly, I uploaded all 700 of the images from 3 different shoots to the Media drive that I managed to take during my photoshoots at Bouley bay, Plemont bay and various different places.

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I then used ‘shift x’ to hide the images that weren’t so good and ‘shift p’ to flag the images that had potential. I was then still left with 200 photos at this point.

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from 200 photos I then reduced them to 78 photos but still needing to reduce the photographs by quite a significant amount

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Here I am starting to select which images I am going to use as my final images by colour coding them with green.

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Now that I have reduced the images from 700 to 15, I am going to begin to experiment with lighting and photoshop in correlation to my chosen photographers.

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