Abandoned locations and abstract signs of decay

What I did for my first photoshoot was headed towards St Catherine’s Bay and around the area, I began to notice a few abandoned and decollate places such as an abandoned shed or hut covered with greenery. I wanted to photograph this in particular as I thought it displayed the sense of nature fighting back against the structure that was built on top of it. I soon came across an abandoned looking warehouse near the government house, which displayed some clear signs of aging. Soon I began to explore St. Saviours which is where I came across the abandoned looking greenhouse that I enjoyed the look of.

Another area I decided to visit was this abandoned pub that lies near the industrial tanks and the recycling unit. I visited this area once before during my urban landscape photoshoots as I was also exploring slightly abandoned structures. This place in particular, I thought would be a perfect photo opportunity to take more abstract photoshoots, following the inspiration of Aaron Siskind. Along the esplanade road, I also discovered an abandoned home that I decided to photograph, which was extremely run down and contained falling pieces and a teeming amount of plants that were consuming the view of the building.

For my photoshoots, I would most likely follow a similar style to that of Yves Marchand & Romain Meffre as I particularly enjoy their style of photography. They make abandoned places look quite lifeless and decrepit, almost displaying a somewhat dystopian location.

————- Contact sheets ————-

————- Rejected and flagged images ————-

Flagged images:

———— Colour coded and star rated images ————

These are all the images that I have colour coded and added a star rating to. The photos I have here are my final selection for me to choose between, and I have flagged and rejected the images that I took throughout my entire photoshoot.

My green labelled images here, showcase a range of different areas and close up, almost abstract patterns from decaying sections of buildings and other materials I discovered. I particularly liked how these images turned out compared to many of the images highlighted in my yellow, colour coded section and the red section too. They display a somewhat, dystopian sense to them, presenting that nature is still a very prominent aspect of life and will continue to fight back against the urban areas.

Here I have my yellow labelled images which once again, display a variety of different focal points, although, some of these images haven’t been as successful as my green ones. A few of the images, which I labelled as yellow, I will be using however, as I enjoy the result of a couple. They link to the theme I am trying to achieve with my images when presenting Anthropocene. I will have to do a bit of editing however, to get them to a degree which I find acceptable.

Finally, I have my red labelled images which didn’t turn out quite like I wanted them to. I ended up highlighting these as being my unsuccessful shoots. They were either quite blurry, didn’t show the message of Anthropocene in Jersey, or just weren’t particularly exciting photos. They didn’t capture the vision I was going for

Best images:


    1. nah im jk, it’s like near where the turquoise tanks are in town, there’s like an old pub, then i also went around st peters and near the gov house. I literally just drove around everywhere

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