
What went well:

For my photography mock exam, I produced multiple images but only chose to use the collection of 6 and the single one as my final pieces. I am happy with the way all my images ended up coming out using photoshop and lightroom. I like the way I was inspired by multiple artists and used my own approach to create my own style of images. I am happy that I was able to include at least one of my images from when I went to the skatepark to take some photos because I think skateparks are a great place for phtoshoots

What didn’t go well:

For my next mock exam project, I will make sure to take a lot more photos so I have many more options to choose from in the future. I would’ve liked to include more photos from skatepark but most of the photos I took didn’t turn out in the best quality. Also, I would’ve liked to have more ideas for good edits on some of the photos I took.


Overall, I am very happy with my final outcomes and the work I produced. and how i used my inspiration from tish murth to try show what kids do and followed her ideas in using the derelict buildings (the bouely bay hotel)

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