final outcomes, evaluation and critique

Below I have displayed my final outcomes, the process of how they were created and why I have chosen them based on how successful they are. In addition, I have outlined the ideas behind each piece of work and their individual strengths and weaknesses.

  1. I have selected this image to be part of my final collection as it tells a story of both sides of my family being kept apart, as my mums and side were never close or one family unit. This piece tells a message about how distance between a family can affect future generations such as myself and my brother. To create this work I placed the images in photoshop, selected the half of the images which would be used in the piece, then used the pencil tool along with the red colour to draw the red wavy string down the middle. I like how the red string is the most prominent part of the image, as the red really stands out from the black in the images. In addition, it’s interesting how these images could be linked, yet I have set them quite far apart to convey the idea of a family separation.

2. Below I have created my second final piece. composed of my grandparents wedding image. To actually create this piece I placed the image into Photoshop, then changed the colour of the background to a more yellow/ beige tone, this was in an attempt to recreate my artists work when he created his ‘Red String’ project, and the red line that is creating a boarder around the image, making it look like the red string around a homemade book. I think this image is only partly successful as although, of course, the red string is digital, it looks too fake and should be made more realistic. However, I think that the legibility of my grandparents wedding photograph makes the image more valuable, as the history of the image incorporated with a new idea of the Red String work makes for modernising an old piece.

3. Below I have created this final piece which is also linked to Fujii’s work, I have used a wedding picture of my great grandparents on my dads side (left) and a wedding photo of my grandparents of my mums side (right). I have decided to use these two images together instead of separately as it explores the theme of how the separation in a family has effected the lives of the current generations such as me and my brother. I think that this piece is successful as the idea and the actual images contradict each other, and its also obvious that these images are taken within decades of each other.

4. For this final piece I have taken old family images of my grandmother (left) and my mum (right) and I have placed them together in photoshop. The aim and idea of this piece was to create something that would show the difference between the ways in which the women which affect my life most today were brought up, and by putting them together I am creating a piece that will illustrate that family ideas can be combine together to effect later generations. Furthermore, even the photos themselves contradict each other as they have completely different tones, with the left being a warm tone and an older image, and the left of my mum being a cooler tone and more recent image. The strengths of this piece is that the quality of the original images is good and even the people features have the same facial features, one weakness is that this final piece is a bit simple.

One thought on “final outcomes, evaluation and critique”

  1. You have until February Half Term to complete and improve any missing / weak blog posts. In this time you can also add to your photo-shoots, ideas and edits…maybe even coming up with more final images.
    Use your tracking sheet to pinpoint areas for improvement.
    We will be framing and displaying your final prints too before Half Term and re-marking your coursework for you.
    Keep working hard!

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