Choosing my 6 best shots

After selecting my best shots on Adobe Lightroom using “Z”, I’m going to select 3 photos from each photoshoot to mainly focus on as part of my final piece. These pictures will then be edited in various ways in Lightroom, in a similar way, and exported into photoshop to create the virtual gallery effect.

My first photoshoot focussed on the privacy of reading and how it can become a forced solitude that people voluntarily put themselves into and enjoy as it is a hobby of theirs which they may find calming and rewarding, I used various backgrounds of places where I like to read and props to add different layers of personal detail to the photos. Then for my second photoshoot, I wanted to use books which are revolved around a certain theme, for this its feminism and working hard, to show how they can be create a message yet also be enjoyable while raising awareness of things which are commonly looked over in everyday life, hoping that the messages in them are impactful.

For all of these photos I have decided to experiment with 2/3 different ways to manipulate them; I will achieve this by using different filters (such as black and white), changing the contrasts dramatically, experimenting with cropping, etc. Then I will bring them into Photoshop to experiment with sequencing/grouping and create a virtual gallery.

3 best shots from photoshoot 1

Why I chose this photo:
I chose this photo because I like how the cover of the book is brightly coloured, in a fun way as it creates a calm atmosphere for me and others while I read the book. It also works well with the background, of the jeans and shoes, as the camera is only focussed on the cover and its finer details and the colours compliment everything nicely. I really enjoyed reading this book as well as it focussed on my favourite genre, which is romance. This was photographed in one of my favourite places to read in school, the street, as it is secluded and normally quite quiet yet there are other people also doing their own thing.

Why I chose this photo:
I chose this photo because I like the warmer, rich yellow and orange/brown tones and shadows which have been created naturally in this photo through the lighting on a sunny day as well as the green from the bushes as it adds another element of colour towards the photo that contrasts nicely against the blue of the sky. I really liked how it shows how calm the surroundings of where I were was as it made me feel really comfortable and safe while I was reading.

Why I chose this photo:
The reasons that I chose this photo to use in my final piece was because of the bright blue and pink tones of the book, which help to show that this book is a romance and create a safe and loving atmosphere for the viewers while reading or looking at the photo, against the darker tones of the wooden table below. I also like how the headphones add a level of personality towards the photo and it shows how the photographer creates a secluded place for themselves while they read as they choose to listen to music and block the world out so that they can entirely focus on the book instead.

3 best shots from photoshoot 2

Why I chose this photo:
I really liked this photo because I love how there’s the clear message, which you can see in bold, which grabs your attention easily and makes you think what this book may be focussing on, which is feminism and its various topics, then it makes you want to know more. I also like how the yellow of the background works well with the book, even if it is slightly lighter, which can be altered in Lightroom, as it is similar to Henry Hargreaves work.

Why I chose this photo:
I chose this photo because I liked how the oranges work well together, as they aren’t exactly the same which is beneficial otherwise I think that they would get lost in each other. I also liked how the boldness of the statement “Feminism is going to ruin your life” is shown as it makes it become the main part of the photo which you will focus on as it creates this message then gives information underneath in various products to support its point, as if it is a debate.

Why I chose this photo:
I chose this photo because I like how simple yet effective it is because it shows how to help yourself become motivated and ways to make that happen through the little picture of the umbrella which is seen. It creates a feeling of motivation towards you as well which I like as it makes you want to be as productive as you can be. I also like how the colour of the pages of the book are a muted tone as it works nicely within the photo.

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