Experimentation: Diamond Cameo

The (patent) diamond cameo photograph was registered by F.R. Window of London in 1864. Four small oval portraits (1″ x 3/4“) were placed in the shape of a diamond, each portrait being of the same person photographed in a different position. A special camera made by Dallmeyer was used in which the one glass negative was moved to a new position in the back of camera after each portrait had been taken, and when the paper print had been pasted on the card a special press was used to punch the four portraits up into a convex cameo shape.

Final Edits

I used the photographs from two of my photoshoots and experimented with a diamond cameo. I did this in order to make my images look older and more interesting. They would’ve probably looked better if I had taken more pictures of the face from more angles.

For this edit I did a diamond cameo by selecting four pictures o the same person and placing them in a diamond shape (one at the top, bottom and both sides). The top pictures is them facing forward with the light hitting the right side of their face and making it more visible than the other. In the bottom image, their face is slightly tilted to one side and the whole face is visible because the light is inn front of them. On the right, there’s a picture of them without their glasses and facing that direction and on the left there’s another side profile but with glasses this time. I did this in order to show all of the sides of the person’s face. I like how it turned out and I think it’s interesting.

I then looked for images of ‘old paper’ on google and put it on top of my edit using photoshop. Then I turned down the opacity and used ‘multiply’ on the double exposure setting.

I made another diamond cameo using a different person and the same technique. I like how it turned out however, I don’t like how the left and right picture look together even though they’re both side profiles. I think they don’t go well because on the one on the right you can see a bit of the other side of the face and I don’t like the way it looks. I should’ve asked them to turn their head all the way and then taken the picture.

I then looked for images of ‘old paper’ on google and put it on top of my edit using photoshop. Then I turned down the opacity and used ‘linear burn’ on the double exposure setting.

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