Personal Study: Virtual Gallery + Evaluation

Virtual Gallery:


Overall, I think my personal study was very successful. I enjoyed the process of making my photobook and found that it helped me develop my skills as a photographer throughout the different phases as I learnt how much time was needed in order to produce a coherent final result during the process of taking photos and organising them, especially as I used words to accentuate each spread. I found the process of creating a narrative by mixing various images quite pleasant as I was able to change what each image meant by changing where it was placed and its colour scheme – this was something that intrigued me quite a bit.

I did struggle throughout the process due to my Lightroom glitching, however, I think this helped me to refine some of the details within my book as I was given the chance to restart and reimagine each spread, allowing me to improve the spreads I wasn’t sure on and create a more visually appealing book. Alongside that, I struggled when beginning my photobook as I wasn’t sure how I wanted to lay it out due to how many options there were to compose my layout which felt quite overwhelming at first. Despite these struggles, I was still able to create a physical photobook that I’m proud to have made.

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