To start off, I selected my favourite images from my 3 photoshoots and put them in a new folder in Lightroom to create my photobook. All the images I selected were edited previously after their respective photoshoots and I had 62 photographs overall, and my book once finished consisted of 42 pages and I used around 40-50 of the photographs which I selected for the book. I decided not to use certain images as I could not find anywhere for them to fit into the book, and they did not match the style of the book too well.

Complete photobook

I decided to predominantly use black and white images for my photobook apart from the cover and a couple images within the book, I chose to do this because it creates a focus on the subject within the photograph and not anywhere else due to the lack of colour, I also believe that it makes the images look much more eye-catching and effective. I did not want to add a title for my book, as I want people who look at it to come to their own conclusion about what the book is about instead of being told by a title. I used a lot of double page spreads in the book as well as some juxtaposition to add some variety to the book and help with the narrative of the book. As well as this, I put photos on pages in a variety of different layouts and sizes to make the book much less repetitive as well as including photographs of people instead of just all skateboarding photos. Overall I believe that I did very well on this photobook project.

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