Contacts Sheets

Chosen images i’m working with

This photoshoot was capturing different spots around Gorey Harbour at low tide then again at high tide, in order to pair the two together similar to the technique used by Michael Martin.
To achieve the effect that I hadn’t moved the camera between tidal changes I strategically marked and positioned my tripod, using photos to record exactly where I had it positioned. (Pictured below)

My original plan was to place the before and after images next to eachother in my photobook, however after playing with different layouts I found that this didn’t convey the dramatic type of effect that I was aiming for and so I decided that for some of my images I would flip one and place them back to back.

Even after placing the images back to back as seen above I noticed I didn’t get the angles and framing completely perfect, and so the two images didn’t line up perfectly. I fixed this by adjusting the cropping of the two images so the horizon lined up how I wanted it too.

I am happy with how thee edits came out and I believe they are going to be a good feature in my photobook as I think that the back to back nature of the image will flow nicely as the viewer turns the pages, and it goes through time. My plan is to have two of these edits per page, stacked on each other.
Final Edits