Photoshoot 3: Urban Photoshoot (1)

Plan for this photoshoot here.

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Editing Process

To start editing my images, I started by narrowing my image selection down using the ‘Pick’ and ‘Reject’ tools on Lightroom, which will help me decide which images I think are usable and which are not. Due to a technical mishap during this photoshoot, a lot of images have been rejected due to them being out of focus.

Next I gave each of these images a star rating out of 5, to further narrow my selection down and label which images I will 100% make use of (the strongest images), and others which I may use at some point.

I then used the colour filter tool on Lightroom to further narrow down my selection, making the green images the usable ones.

These are the images I thought were the strongest from this photoshoot. I have 3 images that could be used to create images inspired by Helmer-Petersen. I like the pigeon images as the movement shown by the slow shutter represents life in the otherwise still urban environment.

Final Edited Images

These are the coloured versions of each image, I made these images slightly colder and more green to give them a more industrial and unwelcoming feel. I like the inclusion of pigeons and trees in some of the images as it provides a nice contrast between the organic and urban.

Here I have made some black and white versions of each image, which I think is effective as it mirrors the greys and blacks of a stereotypical urban setting. I think these images will give my photobook a nice contrast as the other images are far more colourful.

These are my Helmer-Petersen inspired versions of the images which include scaffolding, I these turned out to be successful interpretations of his images.


I am happy with the way my final images turned out, I think they are strong images that will be useful and effective in my photobook. However in terms of actually taking the images, this was not a massively successful shoot; a lot of my images were dark/fuzzy as I had a slowed shutter speed, some of the images weren’t too aesthetically pleasing either. If I were to do this photoshoot again, I would take both of these into consideration and hopefully take higher quality images. I think the places I found to take these images are interesting (like the place with the tree and light) and I think it would be interesting to re-visit those at a later date.

What went well:

Some of the images I captured were interesting and unlike other images I have taken during my A-Levels, such as the pigeon images. The black and white images are especially effective within an urban setting, with the Helmer-Petersen images providing a nice contrast with the other images from the shoot.

How I can improve:

As stated earlier, I think my camera handling skills can be greatly improved from this photoshoot. I am now more knowledgeable on how a camera works and I aim to implement that into future shoots. I think a more dynamic time of day could give my images more depth and ‘pop’ such as during sunrise/sunset, unlike this shoot where it was later in the day (dark) with overcast clouds.

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