Describe your photobook in:
A Paragraph:
My photobook is going to be about the Portuguese experience in Jersey and how it affects our sense of belonging due to the cultural differences. I’m going to use self-portraits of myself and some images of my parents paired with some text in order to portray this experience to the best of my abilities. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to capture aspects of our culture despite the fact that we’re quite separated from it due to that fact we live in Jersey whilst the rest of our family is in Madeira, making embracing our culture to its fullest quite difficult.
A Sentence:
My photobook is going to use a mixture of portraits in order to express the sense of belonging and separation as a Portuguese person living in Jersey.
3 Words:
Culture, separation, belonging
Design your photobook:
I want my photobook to have a short, blunt title in a mid-sized font to catch the attention of the viewer, allowing for intrigue from the title alone. I’d like for it to be a hardback with a black and white image on the cover, setting the theme/tone of the book right from the beginning.
I’m going to try arrange the images inside in a similar way that Larry Sultan did in his photobook ‘Pictures from home’ [1992] as I like how he displays his images alongside his text, allowing the images to be displayed in different layouts on every spread rather than place every image the same way on every page.