Art Movements & Isms


time period : 1880-1920

Key characteristics/ conventions : to make photography an accepted art form. Not considered art from orginally as all you had to do was click a button. A camera was seen as a mechanical devise. Photography was a threat to other art froms as they could make such perfect images.

Artists associated: Alfred Stieglitz

Key works:

Methods/ techniques/ processes: Scratching the negatives, vasaline on lenses

Pictorialism | photography | Britannica


Time period:1915 – present

Key characteristics/ conventions :realism, to photograph things as they were in the view finder without any manipulation

Artists associated: strand. – imspired by cubism, picasso, prague. Walker evens, Edward Western.

Inferences – Pictorialisms

Key works: Real, As seen,

Methods/ techniques/ processes: sharp images without any manipulation after the photo is taken.


Time period:1900-1940s

Key characteristics/ conventions :

WWI and WWII, Self Conscientious


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Time period:

Key characteristics/ conventions :

Embrace of randomness. Postmodern works reject the idea of absolute meaning and instead embrace randomness and disorder. …

Playfulness. …irony and even humour…a subverting of grand narratives at times

Fragmentation. …provocative and disruptive


Lack of grand narratives

Postmodern art rejected the traditional values of modernism, and instead embraced experimentation with new media and art forms including intermedia, installation art, conceptual art, multimedia, performance art, and identity politics.

Artists associated:

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