What is your story?
- 3 words: Stinky Bay (Le Pulec), rocks, coast
- A sentence; My zine will be a picture story about the geological sites of special interest at Le Pulec
- A paragraph: Through my zine I will tell a story of the history of the Rocks and the coast of Le Pulec which has been nicknamed Stinky Bay.
Editing and Choosing process

Chosen Photoshoot Images

Archive images from L’Etacq

I want to incorporate Jerseys archive images into my work as a way of assisting my storytelling style.
What is typophoto?
Typography is communication composed in type.
Photography is the visual presentation of what can be optically apprehended.
Typophoto is the visually most exact rendering of communication.
— Laszlo Moholy-Nagy
Hamish Fulton’s Work

Zine Research and the history of the Zine

The word “zine” is a shortened form of the term fanzine, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. Fanzines emerged as early as the 1930s among fans of science fiction. Zines also have roots in the informal, underground publications that focused on social and political activism in the ’60s.
Zines are Staple bound which means that two staples hold all the pages together. Also known as saddle stitched binding or Perfect bound where Pages are glued against a square spine, making a softback book. A 20-page zine will usually be staple bound.

I think that Dmitri Tcherbadji’s work is inspiring because…
Experimentation with Typography

I wanted to add something unique and engaging to my Zine, therefore, I printed the image below on acetate which is slightly opaque and suck it in with masking tape.

Final Zine

Final Evaluation
My intentions upon starting the topic was to tell a story of the history of the Rocks and the coast of Le Pulec which has been nicknamed Stinky Bay and it’s native Jeriais routes, Therefore, I added an extract of a poem written about Jersey in Jeriais which talks about Jersey’s rocks.
Tes rochers, ton rivage, Où le cormorant vit; Le soleil sur ta plage, Reflétant le granit: Tout anime la flamme. Qui chauffe tous mes sens, Et qui ravit mon âme, À toute heure, en tout temps.
I included photos from the Heritage Archives to my Zine to help with my aim to tell the story of how the coast of Le Pulec came to be. For my Zine I wanted to use quite a bit of Typography as it can give an image a juxtaposing meaning or it can describe what’s happening in a photograph Dmitri Tcherbadji’s work was an inspiration to my work. https://www.myfavouritelens.com/monochrome-dmitri-tcherbadji-photo-zine-review-interview/. Tcherbadji’s work was really eye-catching to me and I found that their work tells a story fluently throughout their work.
Through this topic I have learnt how to correctly and confidently use InDesign software and I am happy with the outcome of my Zine.
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