
To begin creating this photo-zine I needed to take a range of images from one location. I used images from my La Hocq photo shoot to try and keep a similar theme throughout the whole zine. After editing all my images I then needed to decide which images to use in my photo-zine. I wanted to try and make all the images in the zine to be displayed in black and white other than the front and back cover.

Image Selection:

The images below are all the images contained throughout my 16 page photo-zine.

Photo-zine creation:

For my first zine draft I wanted to present this image in a double page spread.

For the next 2 pages I wanted to display my images of La Hocq with a close-up and a long distance.

I wanted to slightly replicate the previous pages with close up images of rocks by using a similar layout of image placement.

For my next two pages I wanted to keep it basic and use a double page spread for a simple black and white image.

Next, I wanted to include the image of a crab I took because it changes up the theme slightly and include some wildlife next to a close up photo of sand

Then, I wanted to include some photos from La Societe archive of bones and human remains that were discovered on Green Island and around La Hocq

For my final 2 pages, I wanted to include 1 more double page spread of another basic, black and white rock image.

Final photo-zine:


Overall, I am very happy with how my final zine turned out. I kept a similar theme throughout the pages of the zine with every picture inside being presented in black and white. The name of my zine, La Hocq, is named after the location that all the images included were taken. I really like the layout of the images with some pages having a white border to create more contrast. I used juxtaposition on some pages to change up the style and layout.

Photo Zine

My first draft:

I decided not to use this layout because I chose the images pretty randomly so there was not much connection between them and anything else in the zine. I decided to make another zine, focusing on using images to do with nature along Jersey’s coast.

I prefer this layout a lot more, with a specific focus on nature and rocks, and with a connection through the bright colours overlaid on top of some of the images, creating a much more unified zine. I decided to alternate between images with a white border and ones with a full bleed. There is also a bit of variation between images with low saturation and ones with incredibly high saturation, hopefully creating more visual interest. In both drafts I decided to use edited versions of Emile Guiton’s images from the Société Jersiaise photo-archives, to add some historic value to my zine and to contrast my work with that which belongs to a photographer in history.

I chose the title “Gardín”, which means “Garden” in Jèrriais, because Jersey’s coastline is like a garden to a variety of native plants and animals of all kinds.

Photo sculpture

1st idea

for my first idea i followed jody powells style model to create layered image

I first printed of my selected images and created a foam board sand for each to be be able to hold them up

Once I done that i started to arrange the images how i wanted and found a good lay out i liked

i was happy with this idea but wanted to experiment further with more ideas


my second idea was to create a selection of tubes

i used a selection of these photos to try create a new landscape within the tube

i printed these of and started wrapping around the tube

this idea didnt turn out as well as i was thinking but still happy with it so i created a second

after these experiments i decided to stick with my first idea