Zine Design

InDesign Settings for the Zine:
Create new document
width: 148mm
height: 210
pages: 16
orientation: portrait
column gutter: 5mm
margins: top, bottom, inside, outside: 10mm
bleed: top, bottom, inside, outside: 3mm

Image Selection:

I started by making a new zine document in InDesign using the settings above. I then went into Lightroom and went through all of my photographs from the “My Rock” project. I wanted my zine to be about the rocks around the island of Jersey, which is why I chose 4 different locations (La Cotte, La Motte, L’Etacq and Gorey) and about 4 images for each location to present in my zine.

My Images:

Societe Jersiaise Images:

Possible Zine Layouts:

Layout 1
Layout 2

Layout 1:

I like this layout because it uses all of my images and clearly shows all 4 locations, however, it also feels like there is too much going on. The pages of the zines are full of images which makes it a bit complicated and not as simple as I wanted at the beginning. Each page has a text in either the right or left corner which informs the viewer where the images were taken and why. I think this is a nice touch but it also clutters the page and the position of the text is inconsistent on each page which I don’t like. The title for this zine is “Around Jersey” which is an okay title because it truthfully says what the zine is about, but it’s also boring. I feel like the back cover should also be something more than just a black image because it makes the zine look unfinished. Even a little story/poem on what the zine is about would look nice at the back to make it more interesting.

Layout 2:

I like this layout more than the other one because it looks simpler and it’s not as cluttered. I think the black and white images makes the zine look more well put together and not as distracting. I managed to use more or less the same images I used in layout 1, which I’m happy about, as well as a few new ones because I wanted the theme to be the same and I didn’t want to change it last minute. I took away the text from each page that informed the viewer about each location because I thought it was bit too much, but I will definitely use it again in a different project because I really liked it. I kept the back cover black because I couldn’t think of anything and added the text “my rock” all over it in grey because that is my title. I changed the title to the name of my project because I thought it would be easier and more fitting.

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