To further develop our project: My Rock, we visited Le Hocq and walked down the beach towards Green Island, where we took photos of both the smaller objects and the wider landscape that surrounds those areas.
Contact Sheets
Below are the images I took on my phone as my camera ran out of storage
Editing Process
To start my editing process, I uploaded my images into Lightroom and went through the images using the ‘Pick’ and ‘Reject’ function to narrow my selection down.
Next I went through my selected images again and used the star rating function to select what I considered to be the best images out of my original selection.
These are the images from my phone.
Final Images
These are the images I considered to be the strongest from this shoot after finishing the selection process.
For this photoshoot in particular, I wanted to put a focus on making the images more lively and vibrant, to do this I simply upped the ‘vibrancy’ and ‘contrast’ to varying amounts on each photograph to make it stand out.
Here I made black and white versions of each image. While that does go against the colourful aesthetic I was going for for this photoshoot, I still think the lines, shapes and tones on these images make for interesting compositions when black and white.
I found this photoshoot to be very enjoyable to do (taking the photos and visiting the Société Jersiaise) and edit, and I am happy with the images I came out with. I was able to get close-up images, as well as more traditional landscapes, which gave me a wide selection to pick from for the final images. My Final Images mainly consist of close-ups with interesting lines and shapes, the subject matter consists primarily of rocks and seaweed, which will hopefully give my zine a consistent theme. The Final Images I got from the landscape images all depict some form of rock with a dramatic sky, which offers a nice contrast to the other close-up images.
What didn’t go so well was that my camera ran out of memory (because I forgot to clear it beforehand) and so I had to use my phone’s camera. While the images from that were still good, it caused some delay with the creation of this blog post. I will make sure that I am properly prepared for the next photoshoot.