Shoot 1-L’etacq

Contact sheets

I have put below some contact sheets from the class trip to L’Etacq. I imported them to Lightroom and used the P and X tools to separate them between the ones I thought had potential and those that couldn’t be used as final images.

I was looking for clear images that are interesting to look at, as I found some of my pictures didn’t have much substance and weren’t eye-catching. I wanted to present different parts of the photo shoot through my final images so I tried to have a diverse range of photos.

Colour coding / Rating

After using the P and X tool I then colour-coded and star-rated my images to help me narrow down my selection. As you can see above I have used the colours ‘red’ and ‘yellow’ which indicates the images that I won’t be using in my final images. These include pictures that were over/underexposed or didn’t have the quality I was looking for. I also didn’t use star ratings for these as I didn’t feel like it was necessary as I had already decided I wasn’t going to use them.

Following the colour coding, I have used ‘green’ to mark out the photos then I think I might use in my final images, this I when I included the star ratings as I need to use them as a final tool in narrowing down what photos I would pick to be apart of my final selection. I have put the photos that I have ranked the highest as purple so that I can easily make out which ones are for the final piece and which ones are not.


Best edits

I have selected these as my best images because I like how each of them has vibrant colours especially the centre photo and the middle left photo as they have containing colours of the sea and the cliff face with the brown rocks. I like how there some similarities and differences between all of these images, as some photographs contain warmer tones and some are cooler. For example, the bottom middle image has lots of silver and black tones whilst some of the first images are filled with oranges and browns. Furthermore, there is a range of different images as the bottom three are from Stinky Bay and the other were taken at Le Pinacle.

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