Summer Project – My Rock

Photoshoot 1 – La Cotte

For my first photoshoot, I went to La Cotte which is located in St. Brelades. I started at Le Quaisne beach and made my way into Portelet, then ended my photoshoot at Portelet beach. I chose this area as it is an archaeological site with a lot of rocky areas that allowed me to take a mixture of photographs. Portelet is also known to be a site of special interest meaning that it is protected because it is important to the island’s history, which links to my project. I started my photoshoot in the afternoon around 4/5 pm because I wanted to avoid the harsh lighting that could’ve appeared previously in the day. I also liked the idea of the sun setting and taking my pictures in different lighting instead of just the sun.

map of the area
Sign showing Portelet is a Site of Special Interest

Contact Sheet

On this photoshoot, I took 300+ images and these are some of the contact sheets. I focused on taking close up of the rocks in order to capture the small details and textures of the different rocks. I also tried taking the images from different angles, heights and distances.

Photoshoot 2 – Plemont

For my second photoshoot, I went to Plemont Bay, also known as ‘La Greve au Lancon’, which is on the west-north coast of the island. I took my photographs in the afternoon on a foggy and rainy day, compared to my previous photoshoot which was taken in sunny weather. I feel like this will make a nice contrast between my images later when editing and putting them together. I stopped at Portinfer Junction which is slightly further down the map and walked for around 15 minutes to the coast, before going down the clifftop and reaching the bay. I started at the Plemont Rock Pools and then made my way along the coastline to La cotter a la Chevre. Before leaving completely I stopped at the Fort Ruins and took more images over there.

map of the area

Contact Sheet

This photoshoot consists of around 250 images I took on my walk at Plemont. On this photoshoot I focused on taking my images from a distance and occasionally zooming in for some texture, this is because I was on top of a cliff and at the rock pools which meant that I couldn’t exactly go closer and capture the details that way.

Photoshoot 3 – Gorey

For my third photoshoot I went to Gorey which is located on the east side of the island, in the afternoon. When I got there, I went behind the Mont Orgueil castle and took my images at the beach, where most of the area was made out of rocks. It was quite cloudy outside but still bright which I think made the rocks stand out more.

map of the area
sign at Gorey by where I went to take my photographs

Contact Sheet

These are my photoshoot from Gorey in which I took only around 220 images. This time I focused more on close up images because I really liked the texture of the rocks and all the shells/algae that had eventually fused with the rocks. I also took some pictures of the ocean as I liked the way the waves hit the shore.

During my three trips, I collected different rocks and shells that I later photographed. I did this by simply placing my objects son to some white paper and photographing them from 1 or 2 angles. The lighting wasn’t good and I wasn’t able to make it better so I didn’t take too many images.

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