shoot 1- l’etacq

Photoshoot Plan

I will be taking photographs at L’Etacq/ Stinky Bay, I would like to take these images round midday to ensure that I can have the best changes of having the correct lighting for this shoot, and making sure its not raining to make sure my only equipment, the camera, doesn’t get damaged.

Contact sheets

Below I have included some contact sheets displaying the wide variety of images from my L’Etacq shoot, this is important as it gives an indication of how many images I have from each shoot, and helps with the organisation before image sub selection.

Colour Coding System

Below I have placed some screenshots of my colour coding my photographs, I have included an explanation of the system and how I have come to the image sub selection process, I really like this system as it ensures that I have a clear plan in my mind of which images I am going to edit. It also helps me predict my final images just from looking through them in Lightroom.

  • Purple- Best images
  • Blue- Average images
  • Red- Not so good images

Best Images after Sub Selection

There I have taken some of the images from my ‘purple’ selection above and placed them in a gallery so that they can be more easily viewed, this also helps me consider whether or not they could be displayed as 9 images or just individually. Furthermore, this is before the editing process so lots of these photographs could be made to be of a higher quality afterwards.


Below I have included before and afters of all of the images that I have decided to edit, I think that for the most part these images came out very well, I think I didn’t end up with a wide range of good images to edit, however I think the ones that I have are of good clarity and some exposures have been edited so that the images are more legible. Furthermore, I think that changing the undertones of the images to make them appear cooler/ warmer gives them a greater effect.

Final Images/ Analysis and Critique

For my final images I have decided that these are my best options, I have included evaluations for each of my images, with explanations for each stating the strengths and weakness of each.

I have selected this as one of my final images from this L’Etacq shoot as I think that there is many interesting components to this image. Firstly, I think that there is lots of contrast between the rocks and the sky, as I have increased the saturation in order to enhance this. This effect is created by the interesting perspective of the photograph, as I took the image from the beach, looking up to the rocks and the sky. I like that this means that half of this image if rock and half is sky, and also the fact that each rock is visible in the image as the clarity is very high. Furthermore, throughout the photograph there is lots of texture created by the clear view of the rocks, this creates more depth of field within the piece.

I have put all three of these final pieces together, arranged in this order as I think that if they were printed out onto materials such as foamboard they would look best this way. The most prominent feature of all of these images is the high contrast and increased clarity. They have all been edited to black and white so that this is more obvious, and I think that these are my most successful three images as they all link well, with the bottom one being slightly different yet still being linked through the ‘My Rock’ project. Furthermore, its important the note that the perceptive all of these images makes them more unique and I think this adds to the successfulness of these pieces. Alternatively, they could be viewed as more boring or generic as they are monochromatic, however, I think this reminds us of how old these rocks are.

I have selected these as my last final two images as I think they have many similarities and differences. They were both taken at the same Jersey Sit of Special Interest, however features of these photographs such as the tones are very varied, as the one of the left is filled with warm yellow and green tones with nicely contrast with the greys in the foreground of this image. Alternatively, the one on the right is filled with cooler toned greys throughout the whole image with spots of colours such as the green in the background. However, I think that the clarity of these images could hinder there successfulness, as most of the increased clarity’s had to be increased through editing and weren’t part of the original images.

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