Photoshoot 1 Edits

—- Before and after edits of images —-

Image 1:


For this image here I ended up converting the image to black and white. Although it doesn’t look like a huge amount has changed due to the original image containing a range of low tone greys and rather dark shades of colour in itself, I have converted the entire colour scheme to be a solid black and white colour based image and have adjusted the contrast, texture and exposure to my liking. I have also considered to change the whites, blacks and highlights of the image until I am satisfied with the final result.

Image 2:


Once again I have decided to follow a very similar scheme to that of ‘Image 1’ by converting the entire photograph to a solid black and white one. There is a slightly more obvious change within these two images as one is seen to be containing a range of feint colours such as yellows, reds and browns. I adjusted the contrast and texture of the image quite a bit as to really make the rock textures appear more obvious and sharp.

Image 3:


For this image here, I ended up converting it once again into black and white, as to follow the same theme as the previous ones, and completely shut out the rich colours in the original image. Although the colours of the rocks highlight the original sense of the geology we have in Jersey, I preferred taking the approach of having a much harsher and dramatic version of the rock formations that are present on the island. I also considered cropping the image as I believed there was too much of the landscape visible and didn’t have the rock as being the centred focal point.

—- Best edits —-

Close- up Geometric Rock Formations:

Full-scale Rock Photographs:

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