Start by selecting images in Lightroom
File, automate, photomerge
Background added
Experimenting with different colours

After creating this first one I decided to add in more photos because I noticed how good photoshops algorithm is at piecing them together.

Version 2

By using the propette tool in photoshop I selected the blue colour from the sea to help

3rd Joiner

After analysing and comparing my previous experiments I went out to a different site and took a lot more pictures than I previously had as I could see how the more photos you use the more interesting the image comes out.

Contact sheet

After waiting 20 minutes my image didn’t come out exactly as planned so I went back to the site to take the images again from different angles.

One thought on “JOINERs”

  1. Hi Sonny, there are a few posts missing both from before summer and since we started new academic year in Sept. You must show more commitment and produce more work – especially making sure that you attend all lessons on a weekly basis. We need to see improvement immediately and expect the work below to be done by Tue 20 Sept. Thanks!

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