What is a Geopark and what does it include?
A Geopark falls under UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) which is recognised globally over 169 Geoparks that wants to build peace through internal co-operations in education, sciences and culture.
A UNESCO Global Geopark includes a number of geological heritage sites which are of special importance, rarity, beauty, etc and these features represent a regions geological history and the events/process which formed it to be as it is seen now which consists of important, natural and historic heritage sites. These Geoparks are able to help everyone celebrate the links between people and the earth and in the future, Jersey hopes to become a Geopark as well, due to the unique heritage which would award this.

Jerseys Geopark
As Jersey is aspiring to become a Geopark there is a local island Geopark centre which can be visited as it introduces Jerseys heritage and explains how it has influenced the island which we live on today, this is supported from the help of Geopark ambassadors such as Ralph Nichols, here is a booklet which provides more information about this. There are many aspects in Jersey which have influenced our islands life and these are: minerals of Jersey, shale formation, volcanic, granites, offshore reefs, sea levels and climate change, etc.

Sites of special interest in Jersey
In Jersey, the sites of special interest are different to what you would find in the UK and other channel islands due to the unique geological range which have create regional and international significance and attracted a lot of global attraction. A part of this can be Jerseys Geology trail.

In support of Jerseys sites of special interest(SSI’s), the states of Jersey has designated 22 of the most important outcrops as SSI’s and this helps to protect and preserve them in the future for public enjoyment and research purposes. There’s a booklet which offers an introduction to Jerseys geological SSI’s so that they are able to gain some recognition to residents/tourists/scientists about their importance.

Activities which showcase Jerseys island heritage
There are a range of activities in Jersey which provide a deeper and more involved opportunity/understanding into the island heritage and these are through a range of sites to walk around, cycle routes, diving, surfing, climbing, visiting heritage sites, etc.