For my first photoshoot for my new topic ‘Islandness’ we went to the parish of St Ouen and walked around L’Etacq taking photos of interesting rock formations. We walked around the cliff paths trying to capture any rocks that seemed unique to take back to class and edit. Also, I took a lot of images of the same rock formations to try attempt to create David Hockney’s ‘Joiners’. Overall, I managed to take around 200 images when on the St Ouens photography trip.
Contact sheets:

After arranging my images in separate folders/collections I decided to flag the image to further understand which images I would like to improve and develop.

I ended up with 35 images which I think were good enough to further develop in Lightroom. But to narrow down my images more I decided to use the rating tool to rate my 35 images from a scale of 1-5.

Simple lightroom edits: