Compare and contast

Similarities: In the photo above I have been influences by Troy Paiva’s ‘Night Vision; The Art of Urban Exploration’ project. One of the main similarities in these two images is the neon colours that highlight the objects or structures. One of the more saturated colours that moth the photographs share is the neon green/yellow the covers the top of the petrol pumps in Troy Paiva’s work and the side/underneath of the medicine packaging in my work. I wanted to use two colours that were similar to Paiva’s as I liked how they complimented each other but were still very different. Another similarity in these photos is the dark background and the darker aspects of the image which help the main piece standout and seem brighter, in Paiva’s work he was working during dusk, so different factors in the background are mainly silhouette’s .

Differences: One of the main differences in the two photos is the setting that the two images where taken in. In Troy Paiva’s work he was outside where you can see the sky where the sun has just set and the big piece of land that is covered in dried plants, where as I used black card as my background so that there was nothing else in the final piece. I prefer Paiva’s background as it add more context to the image and tells more of a story compared to my plain background. Another difference between the images is the type of objects that have been photographed, I decided to photograph different types of plastic, mainly the ones that are the most common, where as Troy Paiva photographed different structures that were in the middle of a desert, for example the petrol pump, cars and buildings.

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