For my Anthropocene project I also got inspired my Anastasia Savinova. She uses different parts of houses (doors, windows, roofs etc.) to create a collage of a new building. A thing I would improve next time would be taking more images from far away and only from one angle. I would also take more pictures of roofs because this time I didn’t and my pictures ended up looking uncomplete.
My Work:
For this edit I used 5/6 different images of houses to make a collage, and an image of a landscapes so I could use it as the background. I used the ‘rectangular marquee tool’ on photoshop to select an area of the building that I wanted to use and made a new layer via copy. I did this for every image one at a time. Then I dragged the new selections on to my background layer. I moved all of them around until I got something that resembled a house.
For this edit I did the same thing I did in the first one, but instead of having another picture as my background I just kept it white. I also used less images. I like this edit because it’s simple but the lack of background makes it look a bit uncomplete.