shoot 1 edits

Photoshoot plan:

My first photoshoot will be inspired by the work of Craig McDean I will take portraits of a model with and without fabrics and plastics to attempt to show how fashion effects the environment I will use a darker background maybe a cobble wall or a plain black background during the morning to afternoon to create softer lighting. I will use my camera to take the images for this shoot as it will allow me to take the best contrast images. Materials I will use plastic and some fabric maybe black tool as it is sheer enough that you can still see the models features through it.

Editing thought process and explanation:

For this shoot I decided to change all the images into black and white as it creates a good contrast between the materials and the background I think it also helps portray the darkness of the topic and how humans are so quick to brush over the topic of plastic pollution and how it effects multiple industries the planet and it’s population.

For my editing I went into develop mode on Lightroom and cropped any parts of the images I wanted to take out and then used the transform tool to insure the images were straight. Then I proceeded to adjust the WB for each image and the tone. Finally I turned them into monochrome images using the black and white setting in Lightroom and by adjusting any tones that needed to be lighter or darker such as highlights and contrasts to ensure I was happy with the final outcome of each photograph.

Final images after Lightroom

Most successful image from this shoot

This is my best image from this shoot as it is the most thought provoking out of the set I also really like the contrast between the bubble wrap and the models features against the texture of the cobble wall this image represents how clothing we wear is made from plastics and chemicals as the bubble wrap almost resembles a cable knit jumper and the tool a scarf. Furthermore this image can also be seen as effects the fashion industry has on global warming as the materials resemble a warm coat and scarf and the cool tone of black and white helps give the image a cold dark feel to it.

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