final images

beauty with a time limit

I am going to frame this photo by itself
I am going to frame this photo by itself


these images are a response to Charlotta María Hauksdóttir’ and george marazakis. In my opinion, this section of my product went well. the idea behind these images are to show the serenity and awe of nature, and that in the next years to come, these places are likely to be destroyed and turned into a building site. I wanted to emphasise the pure beauty of these palaces to make people react with shock. I chose to take these images in a place that almost everyone in jersey has visited at least once. When people go to Plemont beach they are usually going for leisure, to have a swim or sunbathe on the beach. A lot of the time people dont actually take in the scenery. After exploring this place in depth, and trying to look at it through a different perspective. i learnt to appreciate this landscape a lot more than I did before, and through these images I wanted other people to feel the same. My plan for this shoot was to respond the chosen artist using the same technique she did, by overlapping images and creating almost an optical illusion. After experimenting and researching another artist, I chose to keep some of these images without the overlapping effect .The first 2 images relate to Charlotta María Hauksdóttir’ due to the fact that I have distorted the natural images of serenity and nature. The bottom 3 images relate more to george marazakis, because they are normal landscapes which provide the viewer with a sense of awe and terror.



This section of my project I have named ‘destruction’, this is in contrast with the first section of my project. This section all went to plan however in future I would like to take some more landscape rotated photos as the majority of them are portrait. A variety of landscape and portrait would mean that they fit into a collection better. i like the contrast of coloured images and images in black and white. I chose to put some of these images in black and white because i wanted to express how sad and lonely this place is after being abandoned. This is also a place a lot of people have previously visited in jersey since it was open, and i am aware that it was a place that a lot of people loved. when i went on this photoshoot I bumped into an elderly man who was just stood staring at the pub part of the hotel in shock. he said to me ‘isn’t it such a shame what we do to the best places’. This quote inspired me a lot to take a look inside. I wanted to show how dilapidated and empty it was left. after being sat there rotting for 5-6 years people are still sad about its downfall. This wasn’t my original idea when I was given the assignment, but after doing some research on Andrew Moore i was drawn to this side of Anthropocene, the stuff that not everyone gets to see. These photos relate to Anthropocene because nature is overtaking this run down building, but so is mankind. there are things thrown everywhere, rust and mould, weeds growing all over the building and broken glass everywhere. Through these images i wanted to allow people to feel sad and slightly empty, just like i did when i entered the building.

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