Anthropocene artist comparisons

Richard Mosse

The image on the left, depicts a part of a derelict abandoned man made structure surrounded by nature. The picture on the right depicts old forgotten remains of a human, also surrounded by nature. Both pictures consist of forgotten dead things left by humans which have been surrounded by nature, or taken over by nature, portraying Anthropocene. The foliage of both images are a similar pinkish colour, which could be depicting the beauty of nature which contrasts well with the ugliness of the man-made parts of the photo. The differences in the photo are minimal, the one and possibly only difference is that one photo contains the remains of a human while the other contains remains of something humans have built. I prefer the image on the left as it seems to have a lot more going on, and there is more of a contrast between the natural side of the image and the man-made side of the image.

Troy Paiva

The image on the left, depicts a wooden beam which has been whitened surrounded by colourful plants and nature, this image is depicting how nature is full of colour and life while man made objects seem to be very dull and boring. The image on the right, depicts what seems to be an abandoned building in a rural area containing lots of bright colours, which could be depicting that even though the building is abandoned it still contains lots of life. Both images contain a lot of bright similar colours mostly the green colours. The image on the left depicts man made objects to be very dull and boring while the image on the right seems to be depicting man made objects to be very full of life and unique, the two images seem to be contrasting with each other in that way. I prefer the image on the right, as it contains a lot more colours and is a lot more interesting to look at than the image on the left.

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