an introduction to anthropecene

Dictionary definition : The Anthropocene Epoch is an unofficial unit of geologic time, used to describe the most recent period in Earth’s history when human activity started to have a significant impact on the planet’s climate and ecosystems

The topic of Anthropocene has become more and more relevant as the world became more populated, polluted and urbanised. Collectively, we have impacted earth in ways that are inevitable, but irreversible. The rise in temperature and sea levels is due to increase in use of greenhouse gasses, rising into the atmosphere and warming the planet. By doing this, the temperatures rise, sea levels rise, ice caps melt and animals lose their natural habitats. We are rapidly destroying the earth due to greed, for example making money by cutting down trees, again leaving animals homeless, and destroying the levels of oxygen that our planet has naturally sourced. The overpopulation in many countries is causing the need for more and more housing, therefore to make room in these overpopulated areas, we are having to invade earths natural beauties to make room for us. overtime, this process will become catastrophic to the earth, many species will become extinct, maybe even ours. many photographers are focusing on this topic a lot more than usual, exposing the damage we are causing and protesting for change. In my study of Anthropocene, I want to highlight earths natural beauties that May not still exist in the future due to the need to build more houses, and want to show the destruction and ignorance that humans have towards nature. I also want to show how nature fights back against our actions, by trying to rot, erode, overgrow and dilapidate man made objects, but also how we as humans, destroy and waste our own creations.

chosen photographers:

I have decided to produce my Photography exam using landscape photos, with inspiration from Charlotta Maria Hauksdottir’ and ingrid weyland.

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