Once I had a group of edits that I felt content with, I decided to bring them into photoshop and experiment on them by using the ‘patch’ tool and the ‘polygonal lasso’ tool in order to create constructive landscapes out of my 4 different images. I was inspired by Dafna Talmor’s work and decided that I wanted to do something similar with my own images which led to me using a lot of straight/jagged lines to try and create constructive landscapes with unrecognisable origins, similar as to what Talmor does with her work.

Experiment 1: ‘Patch tool’
I found working with the patch tool interesting as it would bring out new colours from within each image, giving the new edit a new life due to how different it was from the original. However, I also found that it was difficult to control as it would lighten and darken certain aspects of the edit when I didn’t want it to, sometimes making the edit seem messy or blotchy. Despite this, some of the results I achieved were still satisfactory as the lack of control made room for some interesting edits in terms of composition and tones, however, they weren’t what I was aiming to create.
—-Edit 1:——————————

—-Edit 2:——————————

—-Edit 3:——————————

—-Edit 4:——————————

Experiment 2: ‘Jigsaw’
Although this process was much more time consuming compared to using the patch tool, I found that it was worth the time as I thought the results looked more complete and professional compared to my first experiment as I had more control over what I was doing. I find the jagged edges bring the different parts of the image together in order to create an interesting composition/layout and the colours [or lack thereof] compliment each other well, drawing attention towards the lighter and darker areas in the images rather than allowing all the colours to fuse together like my first experiment did.
Overall, I found that my second experiment looked best and I decided that I was going to use those edits for my final piece and scrap my first experiment.
—-Edit 5:——————————

—-Edit 6:——————————

—-Edit 7:——————————

—-Edit 8:——————————

the boats look like fishies