This was my first photoshoot of my Anthropocene project. I went to AAl’s recycling centre at la Collette in order to photoshoot his new wash plant that is used to clean waste materials from demolition sites and make it a useable material that is sold off to other companies and private projects.
I followed my photoshoot plan and managed to get many photos in the short time i was granted access.

I went through all my images from my La Collette photoshoot 1 and selected any pictures that i believe had potential.

Next i used the rating tool in order to narrow my images down even more in order to distinguish images that can be my finals. i used 3, 4 and 5 stars. I only selected images rated 4 or 5 stars to continue in the selection proses.

My next method of image selection was using colour coding to see which images are the best. Red is the images that will not make the final cut, yellow is the images that i will keep available incase i do decide to use them and green are the images that i am going to develop into my final images.

After consideration of my highly rated pictures i have decided that these 9 images will be my final images for this photoshoot.
Final Images
For all of my Final Images i have increased the texture and the clarity. I feel that this gives the effect of industrialisation and shows the industry that these machines are working in as well as what they are creating.

Black and White

I also developed each of my best images in black and white in order to provide some more contrast between the colours. However i still believe that the images in colour look better.
Photo Gallery

Overall I am very happy with my first shoot. I was lucky to get the opportunity to photograph this private facility. I was given a tour of the wash plant that allowed me to get to all areas of the plant however many of these images did not work out. This was due to the images of the inner workings of the machine meaning very little without the context of the rest of the machine and wouldn’t mean anything to a viewer who had not seen the entire machine at work. However images taken outside of components that are clearly recognisable such as the diggers that load or the conveyor belt came out as some really nice images.