For this idea I was highly inspired by Jersey because of its love and appreciation for our beaches. Jersey beaches however, are still a victim of ocean pollution, although a smaller amount of plastic waste is washed up on our shores, the plastic waste is still a problem.
I began by putting in place a star system to select some of my favourite images I then used the flag system to select the images i will use which I previously rated with the star system.
I began my editing process in photoshop, i did this as i needed to initially add more plastic onto my image.
I began by using the magnetic lasso tool to cut out separate images of plastic which i had collected from the beach. I took images of these separately to allow more freedom e.g. movement, placement, size I then used the CTRL-T method to reshape and re-angle the image I was adding on I then used the eraser tool to manipulate the image e.g. the coke can now under the drift wood. And to also make any slight adjustments or corrections. In adobe Lightroom, I wanted to create a dark, ominous image while also including the feeling of the ocean e.g. blue shades. I used a vignette to create a dark tunnel like illusion around the image emphasising depth. I used the adjustment tool to edit small details within the image, for example… i fixed the eyes to get rid of the red eye also made the yes look brighter and blue. I also used the adjustment tool to add finer details, such as a higher exposure on this plastic netting so it wouldnt blend so much into the black. I decided to include text within my image, inspired by Barbra Kruger. I am using quotes which are inspired by ocean pollution to fit my theme.