Firstly, I exported all my images to Lightroom and put them in specific collections to make it easier to locate the right photos. I first started my editing on Lightroom by adjusting tools such as contrast, texture and exposure.
Edit 1:
This image is the first image I edited on Lightroom. Firstly, I chose to change the colour to black and white because of the effect of the contrast between the green and grey. I then played about with all the different tools and decided how I am going to present this image with the final outcome of treatment looking like this.
Edit 2:
For my second edit I chose one of my favourite images I took whilst out on my photoshoot. I chose this one because I like the way the colour of the sky and water tanks contrast a similar sort of colour. Also, I think that the fuel truck helps portray the idea of Anthropocene showing the use of natural resources next to industrial structures.
I decided not to change this edit from colour to black and white because of the effects all the colours have on each other which I think helps this image look good.
Instead I chose to decrease the exposure, highlights and whites to make the image seem more darker. I increased the contrast, shadows, blacks and texture to try and make the image seem much more detailed and good quality.
Edit 3:
Another one of my edits is taken of the same tanks as the previous image but from a lower and closer angle to the tanks. I like the angle of this image because it makes the tanks seem as they are bigger than natural materials and landscape.
This image is displayed in black and white and has a low exposure to create more darkness throughout the image. I made the texture on this image quite high because high texture images suit the theme of black and white by expressing it’s details.
The use of high contrast on this edit makes the water tanks standout more in the image by shadowing other details and objects in the bottom half of the image.
Lightroom experiments: