Editing My Photos

I went through all of my photos and chose my best images before I began editing them.

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My edits

In order to create these edits I turned my photos black and white and increased the contrast in order to make the shadows and highlights easily distinguishable from one another. Then, I darkened the shadows even further as I wanted to exaggerate the different depths and tones between everything in frame.

— Edit 1: ——————–

Original Edit

I believe this is my most successful edit as there’s a variety of tones within the image due to the different shadows and textures, creating a visually interesting image. The highlights create a contrast between the darker tones, emphasising the pattern created by the shadows.

— Edit 2: ——————–

Original Edit

I also think this edit is successful as I turned the image black and white then increased the exposure, making the sky in the background completely white which caused the darkness of the construction to stand out, emphasising the smaller details.

— Edit 4: ——————–

Original Edit

— Edit 5: ——————–

Original Edit

— Edit 6: ——————–

Original Edit

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