Artist comparison

My photograph
Ralph Eugene Meatyard
Ralph Eugene Meatyard (differences)SimilaritiesMy own photographs (differences)
Includes props such as people and carsCluttered inclusion of treesSlightly more close up images
Include more of the landscapeSimilar shades of greys, blacks and whitesMainly focused on smaller sections
Includes a person’s shadowBoth in black and whiteMore detail shown in the trees

Both images (my own photography and that of Ralph Eugene Meatyard) share many similarities and differences. To compare these images, I can first see that both images include the use of a cluttered abundance of trees, swarming and filling up the entire photograph. Although in my image, all the trees are slightly wider and more detailed than the ones in Eugene Meatyard’s. His image has darker trees in the background whilst my image has every tree being more or less the same shade of grey.

I have also noticed that both images are in black and white and contain very similar shades and tones of both colours. I have however noticed, that Eugene’s Meatyards image is slightly more far away so you get the entire length of the tree whilst in my photo you can see that I’ve only captured a smaller portion of the trees. Eugene Meatyard’s also includes someone’s shadow whilst mine on the other hand, does not.

Eugene Meatyard tends to include props in his photographs whether it be landscape, portrait, or any other form of photography. He includes people into his photos, cars, shadows, masks and loads more. I have only captured the trees itself and left it at that.

My photograph
Ralph Eugene Meatyard

These photos have a very similar sense of imagery due to the wavy tracks that were created in both. However, Eugene Meatyard’s is more of the entire landscape and is much blurrier than of mine.

My photograph

These images are both similar themselves in the sense they both focus around the structure of the jagged and messy tree branches, but they are different in the sense that I’ve captured a picture of smaller branches close up and just focused on that, whilst the other image includes a child and is also focusing on bigger pieces of a tree. They do both however, have the same shades of black and white.

Ralph Eugene Meatyard

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