Urban Landscape Photography

Urban photography is a broad term describing photography that showcases all aspects of an urban environment, combining elements of many other types of photography, including portrait, fine-art, landscape, and architecture photography as well as photojournalism.


The New Topographics

New topographics was a term coined by William Jenkins in 1975 to describe a group of American photographers (such as Robert Adams and Lewis Baltz) whose pictures had a similar banal aesthetic, in that they were formal, mostly black and white prints of the urban landscape.

Bernd Becher and Hilla Becher
Pitheads (1974)

This piece by photographers Bernd Becher and Hilla Becher (German conceptual artists) consists of pictures of oil pumps in urban areas and are arranged in grids to highlight the formal similarities of each structure. In each image they use the same lighting and straight-on camera angle to give off the image that these things are bland and uniform.

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