my landscape final images

i edited this image until i was happy with how it looked then i made a virtual copy and changed the copy to black and white to see which one would be better because a lot of the examples i looked at where black and white.

this images was taken along the grosnez coast line which has the tallest cliffs in jersey. i also experimented with putting this in black and white aswell

this image is of the pinacle in gorsnez i used the gourse bush to give depth to the images with a forground a mid ground and the swell breaking in the background. i also experimented with putting this image in black and white

this image is of white rock with the vibrance turned up to show of the beatiful blues in the background of the image. the forgroun of the headland gives depth to the image and the swell around the rock outline the focal point and the pointey shape of the rock brings your focal pooitn from the bottom up to the white rock on the top.

this mages shows the the beach of le Braie in the foreground the Hedland in the midground and Corriere lighthouse in the background. I liked the effect the sea spray created mist around the headland and the lighthouse. I edited this image bring out a wider range of colours in the sky to highlight the paragliders.

i experimented with a similar image taken in landscape, that I put in two tones because I looked the effect it gave between the darker bottom of the image and the lighter tones in the sky.

i think this is my best image from rural landscapes bec asue it captures the a large expanse with the focal point of the image goes to the larger boulder in the center of the frame the bunker in the background also helps add depth to the image with a background and midground and forground.

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