A juxtaposition involves pairing 2 or more images together to show similarities or differences between the them. It often involves positioning the different subjects next to each other [for example a tall and short person] and photographing them in order to present how the differences/similarities between them.

One way of doing this is by recreating an older photo by posing the model in a similar way to the older image. This would be a juxtaposition as it’s comparing the past to the present and showing the differences in life through a similarity [the positions of the models]. The website ED.EM.03 presents Henry Mullins [mid-1800’s] and Michelle Sank’s [2013] work on portraiture side by side, emphasising how things have changed over time from the camera quality to the type of clothing being worn.

My Juxtaposition
My Edit Older Photo
For this juxtaposition, I found an old photo of me as a child and decided to take some photos of myself with the butterflies on my face. I kept the older photo the same but decided to lower the saturation on the remake other than the orange of the butterflies, drawing attention towards them, in order to create a contrast between the colourful and bright nature of the older image. This way, I was able to establish a juxtaposition through the age of the images and through some of the visual aspects too.