Mock Exam Final Images

I picked 5 main final images for the end result of the mock exam. I chose these photos as they included the best photos that I had taken as well as the best editing that was done to the photos. I believe these photos best fit the description of the task, identity, and are very good at portraying identity to viewers. My final images are placed next to an image of one of my chosen artists to show the visual comparison between the images.


This image shows a persons different moods and identities that they can carry on their shoulders with them, and show off these different identities to different people. I was not inspired by any other artists to create this image, and used my own ideas to create it in Photoshop.

This photo on the left can explain that sometimes people can show 2 different faces or identities when among others, the multi exposure effect shows a happy face and a sad face which can portray that sometimes people may be feeling one mood, but putting on a mask of a different mood. I was inspired by the photo on the right taken by Claude Cahun. It also features a multi exposure effect which inspired me.

This photo on the left portrays the juxtaposition of identity, and how a persons identity can be distinguished differently from different perspectives of multiple people. I was inspired to create this image by the image of one of my chosen artists on the right, the different contrasts of the image interested and inspired me to create an image of my own which is similar.

This photo portrays how the media and news headlines can affect a persons views and identity, the headlines pasted on the face of major events and problems happening in the world show how the information can stick to someone and convert a persons identity. I was not inspired by another artist for this photo, but instead used my own ideas to create the image.

This photo can portray a persons single identity, and how someone who does not know them my view them from first glance. The photo on the right was taken by one of my chosen artist and helped inspire me to create this image, I found the image on the right very interesting which is why I chose it to compare to my image

Evaluation and Critique

For a first photography mock exam I have completed, I believe that I have done very well, although there were some things which could have been completed better. Firstly, I could have completed more photoshoots, I only managed to complete two photoshoots and took roughly 70 photos, which were narrowed down to about 25 photos, and then narrowed down once again after editing to about 10 photos (which I chose 5 of for the final images). With more photos, I would have been able to edit more photos and present more ideas for my final images. I believe that I chose a great artist to inspire me and compare my images to, as I found the artist very interesting. For the next exam, I will aim to take more photos so I have more content to work with to create better or more final images.

Virtual Gallery’s

I created 3 gallery’s of my final images, 2 on photoshop and one on Artsteps as a virtual online gallery.


One thought on “Mock Exam Final Images”

  1. You have until February Half Term to complete and improve any missing / weak blog posts. In this time you can also add to your photo-shoots, ideas and edits…maybe even coming up with more final images.
    Use your tracking sheet to pinpoint areas for improvement.
    We will be framing and displaying your final prints too before Half Term and re-marking your coursework for you.
    Keep working hard!

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