Henry Hargreaves
My work Henry Hargreaves work
Comparison –
I think that my work reflects Henry Hargreaves influence well within my photos, this is because they both use the hand of another person who is going through a book that has a message which it wants to show to their audience. It also uses the brighter colours and bold works in my book too, which Hargreaves work has but not as intense as his photograph of the book doesn’t have as much writing. I prefer having more writing as it creates a story from the book about feminism which I used and people will want to read it as the title of the chapter is bold and eye-catching.
Evaluation –
I am happy with my final pictures and how they turned out in the style of Henry Hargreaves because I enjoyed working in his style of photography, because it let me experiment and learn how to use the idea of identity in an interesting way where you don’t need to have a persons face, or a full body picture of them as you can use a part of the body instead, like a hand because they are able to signify who someone may be just by looking at them and then with the influence of the book that they are reading it can reveal a lot to you about a person which you may not have known, which was how to influence others yet also keep it light-hearted and not emotionally deep which can happen.
Claude Cahun
My work Claude Cahun’s work
Comparison –
I think that my work shares some similarities to Claude Cahun’s work because I have changed the photos into black and white, similar to their style as I like how it adds a dramatic effect to the picture as it makes the picture feel as if it is creating an emotional and meaningful message in what they are trying to highlight to their audience. I also like how in my work I use objects such as books, places, surroundings, etc to show who I am as a person whereas Cahun uses their self instead because I think that it reveals much more about a person instead because you are able to find out their opinions/views/perceptions/etc of what they do in their everyday lives.
Evaluation –
Throughout this project, I have taken into consideration of how Claude Cahun uses photography in their own style throughout their work which I can then put into my own, in a personal way. I think that this has been successfully conveyed as you are able to see a connection between our photos as they both create authentic and genuine messages in different yet similar ways how we want to be perceived as a person.
You have until February Half Term to complete and improve any missing / weak blog posts. In this time you can also add to your photo-shoots, ideas and edits…maybe even coming up with more final images.
We will be framing and displaying your final prints too before Half Term and re-marking your coursework for you.
Keep working hard!