Image selection

I flagged all the photos I liked and managed to lower my photos from roughly 800 to 200. From there, I went through all my photos again and marked all my best shots yellow, making it easier to distinguish them from the rest of my photos, leaving me with a total of 47 photos, including the older photos from when I was younger.

My final selection

Current Plan + Ideas

At the moment, I plan to create some double exposures with a few of my photos, similar to some of the images below:

Wisdom for My Children is an Ongoing Double Exposure Photo Project
Brandon Kidwell
Angela Kelly
A Guide to Double / Multiple Exposure Photography | Unscripted App
Jacob Loafman

I also plan on experimenting with colours and their saturation which includes adding or taking colour away from certain parts of photos or taking away parts of photos all together which will lead me to having a mix of oversaturated photos and darker colourless images that I can choose from and develop further.

Some examples of this:

An Artist's Struggle With Depression in Photography | artFido
Edward Honaker
Jawn Rocha

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