identity Ideas for mock


Identity can be defined in different ways, such as, the qualities, personality and beliefs which distinguish a person. It can also be seen as the outside of a person other people can see, without knowing them, leading them to presume the identity they have.


Identity can be influenced through many ways from family and friends all the way to the kind of clothes a person wears and the culture they come from. All these factors shown above in the mind map influence a persons identity. The factors shown above also affect different stereotypes and prejudices people have to another persons identity, such as the are they live in as well as the building they live in.

Claude Cahun

Claude Cahun was a Surrealist photographer whose work explored gender identity and the subconscious mind. The artist’s self-portrait from 1928 epitomizes her attitude and style, as she stares defiantly at the camera in an outfit that looks neither conventionally masculine nor feminine. photos taken by Claude Cahun tend to be very dark and can portray very controversial topics.

Andrzej Steinbach

Andrzej Steinbach was born in 1983 in Czarnkow, Poland, he lives and works in Berlin, Germany. Steinbach is interested in the signifiers of photographic portrayal and how our assumptions turn individuals into different identity’s and into different characters. Photos taken by Steinbach are mostly all black and white, and are very good at portraying the identity of the subject that has been photographed.