Studio Portraits: Photoshoot 2

Camera settings (flash lighting)
Tripod: optional
Use transmitter on hotshot
White balance: daylight (5000K)
ISO: 100
Exposure: Manual 1/125 shutter-speed > f/16 aperture
– check settings before shooting
Focal length: 105mm portrait lens
Camera settings (continuous lighting)
Tripod: recommended to avoid camera shake
Manual exposure mode
White balance: tungsten light (3200K)
ISO: 400-1600 – depending on how many light sources
Exposure: Manual 1/60-1/125 shutter-speed > f/4-f/8 aperture
– check settings before shooting
Focal length: 50mm portrait lens

For my second photoshoot, I took full face photographs and side profiles, as well as some silhouettes. I also tried a different camera setup with a black background. If I were to re do this photoshoot I would spend more time on taking photos in order to have a bigger selection.

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