For this comparison I chose a photo, from one Photoshoot which I though was the most successful and edited it in Adobe Lightroom in a similar way to Oliver Dorans work.
I really like the way this photo has turned out, which I haven’t edited as I liked the way that it came out through taking it on the black and white setting on the camera. This was inspired by Oliver Doran’s style where he also shoots in black and white. The pictures share the similarity of a black background, that both have a bit of texture to them, where the lighting highlights the model. In my photo I used the butterfly lighting technique as it shows the models facial features well and how neutral her expression is, which creates a serious atmosphere, unlike Oliver Doran’s where his model is smiling, which creates a calm atmosphere. I really enjoyed photographing models in Doran’s style as I preferred how the pictures come out in black and white as their details are more focussed within them.