I selected my 9 best images from my heritage project after careful consideration and selecting through all my images to ensure the best work was selected.

I selected this portrait as I think the posing and the angle really helps to display the models environment and it conveys emotion through her facial expression which gives an insight into how she was feeling that day. I adjusted the WB to improve clarity of the image and used the cropping tool to frame the image. I also played around with the pre-sets and selected the B&W split tone as I liked the tones it created and the blue tint it adds to the image.

I selected this image as I like the composition of the objects and how the blue bottle and the roses have such opposing contrast this pulls focus to the centre of the image as the shadows around the edges allow for a brighter central focal point.

The third image was taken at the Hamptonne country life museum it shows a classic 17th century building entrance through a cantered angle. The lady in the background pulls focus as she is dressed in white and I captured her running out of the gardens. Overall I like this image as the tones of the ladies surroundings have a true rustic feel and she is perfectly positioned in the horizon of the image.

This is one of my best images because it portrays emotion through the tones of black and white and how the depth of detail on the grand piano is highlighted I also think the angle almost acts as if you are watching someone play and the set up of the cord sheets gives the image the feel that someone had been playing recently. However this image also has a more earie feel to it as vintage pianos hold connotations of the supernatural.

I picked this image as one of my final pictures as I really like the detail captured in the glass centre piece i also like that the image has an almost vintage feel to it due to the composition of the objects.
final images after edit
hamptonne building hamptonne portrait objects hamptonne objects hamptonne vanitas vanitas environmental portrait heritage objects vanitas