Photomontage Research

A photomontage is the result of combining two or more pictures together in order to make a new image. This can be done through cutting, pasting, ripping, rearranging and overlapping. Photomontage are usually used to convey a message, whether that be a commentary on political, social, or other issues. The credit for photomontages is given to Dada artists in 1916 but it emerged in the mid 1850s due to artist trying to make photography fit into fine art.

John Stezaker

John Stezaker is a British conceptual artist know for his collages using images found in books, magazines, and postcards. His work re-examines the various relationships to the photographic image: as documentation of truth, purveyor of memory, and symbol of modern culture. Through his elegant juxtapositions, Stezaker adopts the content and contexts of the original images to convey his own witty and poignant meanings.

I hate this one I don’t even know what I was trying to do and its just looks bad. the line in the middle is like too clean? and the chicken instead of the apple looks out of place. And I know that’s the point but I hate it

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