Enviormental photoshoots

Contact sheets

1st Photoshoot – Inside of one person

For this photoshoot, I used my sister who enjoys baking in the kitchen and does it in her spare time. I like these photos because they show experimentation with different angles, lighting and facial expressions.

2nd Photoshoot – 1 person outside

For this photoshoot, I used my dad who likes gardening and when he moved house has built the garden up from nothing so it is his pride and joy. I like the photos because it experiments with faceless portraits and different angles.

3rd Photoshoot – More than 1 person

For this photoshoot, my stepdad and sister are being photographed in our garage where my stepdad has all of his bikes and cars which he has an interest in and she is helping him.

Image selection on Adobe Lightroom

These are the images which I think that are my most successful from my photoshoots. On Adobe Lightroom I used Z to pick the photos which I thought were the most successful ones which are seen below.

Experimenting with my successful final images

Single person inside editing on Lightroom –

I like the way this edit on Lightroom has turned out because it shows the model doing their hobby and focussing. The edited photo compared to the start has been edited well as the lighting, which was bright to begin with, has been controlled and the actions are clearer to see and the colours of the model and their surroundings are more defined.

Single person outside editing on Lightroom –

I like how I have edited this photo because it shows the model more clearly as the lighting has now been controlled through changing the contrast, highlights and exposure on Lightroom. The use of shadows also helps to control the brighter parts of the photo. I also like how the model is looking at the camera as it adds a personal level to the environmental photo.

More than one person editing on Lightroom –

I think that this is my most successful edit which I did on Lightroom, this is because I used the exposure and contrast to darken the photo but also controlled the colours which were brighter due to the lighting. I also like how the background is busy yet shows a personal side towards the models, who are captured tinkering with the car, as it presents their hobbies towards the audience well, showing how genuine the interest is.

Compared to Mary-Ellen Marks work

I think that you can see the influence Mary-Ellen Mark has had on my photoshoot as it shows my models captured doing something natural, which I like and wanted to include in my work and it shows to be similar to her photo where the girl looks as if she has been captured casually doing her own thing with others in the background. I think that my photo looks better in colour instead of black and white, like Marks work, because the colours stand out more and work well together, which I like.

Environmental Photoshoot Homework


For this photoshoot, I asked my friend if I could go to their house and take pictures of them doing everyday things. I let them do whatever they wanted to make it seem more casual and realistic. I took pictures of them in their room while they played the guitar, read a book, played games on their switch and watered their plants. I used the window as my main light source as it was still sunny outside and there were interesting shadows on the walls.

I tried using low and high angles as well as different positions because I wanted my images to look unique and different from each other. I used some close-ups to focus on what my model was doing in order to get a better understanding of who they are as a person.

Contact Sheets

Editing One Image

I really like this image because it shows my model’s interest and a bit of their personality. I think the way the lighting was hitting their face and the guitar looked interesting and I wanted to make the image livelier. I started by changing the tint to give it a softer and warmer look. I then turned the highlights down and exposure up in order to make the details stand out more.

Final Edits

I really like how this image turned out because the black and white make the details stand out more and the sun on the guitar looks interesting.
I tried getting rid of their face to make it seem like they’re anonymous and mysterious.


Photoshoot 1 + Contact Sheets

The weather was nice so I took some pictures of them on the roof listening to music, reading and then looking out of the window.

Photoshoot 2 + Contact Sheets

I went to the market and asked an old lady at the flower stand if I could take some pictures of her and her shop. She was quite busy, so I was only able to take pictures of her whilst she was working and doing her own thing. Them being unposted is a good thing because it made the pictures look more realistic. The lighting wasn’t that good in there and the camera settings were a bit tricky to figure out however I think I managed to get some shots in the end.

Editing One Picture

I decided to edit this image because I liked the way they were looking in the distance listening to music making it look mysterious. I also wanted to give it a more sombre look and that’s why I turned it black and white. I increased the texture and clarity to bring out the details and I also played around with the shadows and highlights.

Final Edits

Turned this picture black and white because I wanted to give it an older look. i like the way they’re looking in the distance smiling.
I liked this picture a lot because it’s very saturated and lively and it looks dreamy because I turned down the clarity.
I like the way this one is framed is interesting and how they’re on the right side leaving the rest empty.
This is one of my favourites because it looks older than it actually is and I like how the woman stands out even though the environment she is in is quite busy.
I like the colours in this one and how she stands out.

hamptonne exteriors

this image is of the main Hamptonne building. you can see the contrast the light and the dark in this photo.
this is image is of the main court yard.
this is thatched roof.
this is a archway leading from the orchid into the courtyard.

Environmental Portraits – contact sheets

Here are my sets of contact sheets for my first shoot – my first sets of images at the dump, my second at the plant waste site, and my third at a local food kiosk. I used the P and X keys to select my best and worst images, and used the loupe tool to go through my images one by one – I then used the grid tool to take my contact sheets as below.

Contact sheet for dump shoot and a few kiosk pictures.

My first two sets of subjects were taken at the dump in St Helier – my first subject is a well known character, who always has his favourite hat on, with his name on. He was more than happy to be photographed and directed. My issue with my pictures of him is that the backgrounds of some of my images are overexposed – it was a very bright day. To combat this, in the future, I would try to shoot on a slightly more overcast day. However, I did the best I could to capture my subject in a way that he was not overexposed.

My second pair of subjects for this shoot, were two workers at the plant waste dump. They were slightly more shy on camera, but I did my best to photograph them how I wanted. The two gentlemen are good friends, so I wanted to photograph them together for my two or more people shoot. Furthermore, I decided to do close up shots of each subject to capture the interesting hats they both had on.

Contact sheet for Kiosk Shoot

My last set of subjects for these tow shoots were the owner and employee of the Quayside Food Kiosk: Steve and I decided to photograph these two because as a regular of the kiosk, I wanted to capture the funny working relationship between the two, as well as the lady’s kind and giggly nature. One issue I had when photographing was, because of Covid, the shop window had a screen – it created too much reflection in my images. To combat this, in future, I would photograph my subject elsewhere in the surrounding environment relating to their workplace.

Contact sheets for my last shoot – in my local shop.

For my last set of images, I shot in my local corner shop, Bay Stores. I chose this location because of the interesting items within the shop, and the representation of those employees and workers who people often forget we need in the island. Again, I had trouble with a screen in front of the till, but in future I would photograph away from the till maybe.

In this shoot, I tried to photograph those in Jersey who we often forget in the background – who the island wouldn’t be the same without.