Week 2- Image Analysis


Image analysis is very important in your understanding of photography. Both from learning how an image is composed or structured to the actual content and meaning of an image. You may need to understand or find out its social, historical, or political context.

Image result for arnold newman alfred krupp
Arnold Newman | Portrait of Alfred Krupp | 1963

Light: Light in the photo are coming from the skylight windows and from a single train light, the rest of the image is filled with morbid colours. The Harsh blacks and greys contrast the light colours. The image consists of lines of machinery and window leading to a window that hovers over Alfred Krupp’s head.

There’s a lot of repetition within the structure of the building and there’s light reflecting on Krupp’s head. All of the lines are geometric. This image to an extent has a shallow depth of field as Newman wanted to highlight.

The darkest part of the image surrounds Krupp and the frame that allows you to see the factory. Dark colours are constant throughout the image

I think that the elements of Newman’s photograph were purposely placed in such way to portray an implicit meaning of Krupp and his factory to be the angle of death.


Contextual Information

He inherited the factory, the factory created all the bombs and missiles for the Nazi’s, he was 14 when he inherited the factory taking over after his Fathers death

My Perception

Idea of the sarcastic halo, triangle shape with his hands, Lines all lead to the sarcastic halo, Angel of Hell and death, Lighting is coming from the sides creating a dark shadow around his eyes. He sorta reminds me of Mr Burns ngl…

The Simpsons: People are comparing ousted Alabama governor to Mr. Burns |  EW.com

One thought on “Week 2- Image Analysis”

  1. Focused research informed by contextual sources. Well done.
    Perhaps the image inspired the character of Mr Burns?

    This process of image analysis will be the model to use at other times when you need to analyses your own images or the work of others.

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