EnVironmental photography sHoot 1

Here are some of my best images from my first environmental photography shoot. I pictured Ruby in her bedroom as it expresses her interests and general life.

I based this shoot on Arnold Newman, I wanted to include the dishevelled look to my images which he has in his, I did this through the clutter of posters on Ruby’s wall, the stack of CDS and the rustic looking chair.

Original photos – unedited


The Process

I used a camera stand to keep my camera level and directed Ruby to pose how she felt comfortable to keep the authenticity of the photographs. I chose to conduct my photoshoot at mid afternoon to capture the bright sun peaking through the window, highlighting the details of her bedroom.

I chose the placement for the images where Ruby is sat on the chair to capture the reflection of the mirror which also gives us a look into her interests, her wardrobe which expresses her love for fashion, a globe suggesting her interest of the world and two stuffed animals from her childhood. I believe Ruby’s choice of clothing was great as her minimalistic fashion choice made the background pop.

before editing my photos I wanted to sort through the good and bad images, I used the star system which helped me group the good images together.

When editing my images i wanted to capture the black and white theme which is a prominent feature within Newman’s Work, i also adjusted the shadows and exposure to capture that subtle shadow which can be seen in many of Newman’s black and white pieces.

Further Experimenting

Using photoshop, I edited images to create some further edits of my images.

For this image, I took another one of my images from the same shoot and placed that in the reflection of the mirror. To do this I used photoshop, I then used the lasso tool to select the part of the image I wanted to remove. After erasing the original reflection from the mirror I inserted another photo and placed that layer underneath my original.

For this image, I wanted to contrast the vibrant colours of Rubys wall with the black and white of the Arnold Newman style edit. To do this I used the same image in colour, then i used the rectangular marquee tool to select the parts of the coloured image I wanted to include.

To create this futuristic mirror portal image I once again selected the original mirror reflection with the lasso tool and deleted the reflection, I then placed this image with a frenzy explosion of colours in its place, creating a portal mirror.

Week 2- Image Analysis


Image analysis is very important in your understanding of photography. Both from learning how an image is composed or structured to the actual content and meaning of an image. You may need to understand or find out its social, historical, or political context.

Image result for arnold newman alfred krupp
Arnold Newman | Portrait of Alfred Krupp | 1963

Light: Light in the photo are coming from the skylight windows and from a single train light, the rest of the image is filled with morbid colours. The Harsh blacks and greys contrast the light colours. The image consists of lines of machinery and window leading to a window that hovers over Alfred Krupp’s head.

There’s a lot of repetition within the structure of the building and there’s light reflecting on Krupp’s head. All of the lines are geometric. This image to an extent has a shallow depth of field as Newman wanted to highlight.

The darkest part of the image surrounds Krupp and the frame that allows you to see the factory. Dark colours are constant throughout the image

I think that the elements of Newman’s photograph were purposely placed in such way to portray an implicit meaning of Krupp and his factory to be the angle of death.


Contextual Information

He inherited the factory, the factory created all the bombs and missiles for the Nazi’s, he was 14 when he inherited the factory taking over after his Fathers death

My Perception

Idea of the sarcastic halo, triangle shape with his hands, Lines all lead to the sarcastic halo, Angel of Hell and death, Lighting is coming from the sides creating a dark shadow around his eyes. He sorta reminds me of Mr Burns ngl…

The Simpsons: People are comparing ousted Alabama governor to Mr. Burns |  EW.com


Who am I photographing?

For my outdoor photoshoot, I will be photographing my grandad.

What am I photographing?

i will be photographing him his bee hive, and his bee suit

when am I conducting the shoot?

the weekend

where am i working/ location?

I will either be producing this shoot at his home or bee hives

why am i designing the shoot in this way?

i am designing the shoot in this way because my grandad has really enjoyed Bee keeping as a hobbie for many years

how am i going to produce the images (lighting / equipment etc)?

i am going to make sure it is a good lit day to be able to capture the best quality images possible.