On my hamptonne visit, I took many pictures of the insides of the buildings, in order to capture a snapshot of the era in which the building was on display as, and to document the life at the farm at the time.
Contact Sheet
My contact sheet of my favourite images of interiors – using flagging system and colour reg to sort them.
Best Images
I edited my favourite images, using Lightroom Classic.
Edited – highlighting the shadow within the image, using contrast, blacks, whites, texture, cropping and warmth.
Edited – Heightening contrast, increasing vibrance and texture , and adding grain. This image shows the style of design and interiors in the post war period, at Hamptonne.
Edited – Using adjustment of blacks. whites, contrast and grain. I chose this image as one of my best because of the shadows created in the glass cabinet, creating interesting lighting.
Edited – increasing texture, clarity, contrast, decreasing exposure and adding grain. I chose this image due to the high shadow in the background, the rich colours and the composition.
Edited – using basic editing tools like decreasing exposure, adding blacks and decreasing whites, adding contrast and grain. I also used a vignette to help frame the picture, after cropping it. This helps to create a balanced composition.
Edited – after turning B and W using the preset: “Soft B and W”, I increased the temperature, added vignette, and increased exposure. I chose to turn this specific image black and white because of the strong blacks and whites in the sheet music and piano itself.